Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Re-presenting women at construction events...

EcoBuild was big again this year and it continues to be an exciting source of information and place for the exchange of ideas for everyone in the construction industry. Unfortunately, despite the exhibition being populated by women in all capacities it seems some companies can't get it into their heads that there are women out there calling the shots, writing the specifications, advising their clients and placing the orders.  I do n't know about you but I like to look at bikinis in John Lewis - ok, I dream of a bikini, I look at tankinis and swimsuits but I don't really want to have another woman's waxing routine brought to mind when considering which solar panel to choose.  Pippa, one of our clan, thought the same...

Dear Jo
I went to EcoBuild on Wednesday and had a really interesting day attending two seminars and discussing the application of renewables for a couple of projects I am working on.
However there was one significant element that really disheartened me and I thought I would get in touch to see if anyone else shares my feelings.
Whilst milling around the various stands there were a number of companies that were using attractive young women to promote their products. Many of them were scantily clad, some in costumes - one in particular was a Barvarian maid serving beer so you can imagine there were plenty of men hanging around that stand. My heart absolutely sunk when passing Canadian Solar with two girls dressed as Canadian Police and a man behind me said "Ooo did you get ridden by a Mountie"...
Women have to fight so hard to gain respect within construction. Going to this event really highlighted just how hard that fight is and sadly how some men view our gender.
Aside from that I did have a very informative day and it was lovely to be in London on a fresh spring day.
I hope you are well.
Best wishes

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