I realise I've been a bit quiet over the summer but I'm resurfacing from a mad period of work and hitting Autumn with a vengeance...starting with the
CWiC Breakfast Meet up
which will be held upstairs in the
Cafe Rouge, Bridge Street, Cambridge on Saturday, 20th October.
10am - 12 noon.
I'll start with a quick (CWiC) update and
then we shall kick off with 3 minute (or there abouts) introductions /
elevator pitches to tell people who you
are, what you do and what makes you special - or anything you like
really . All are welcome and if you'd rather save your introduction for another time that's absolutely fine - we'll have plenty of catch-up and chat time too.
The Cafe Rouge have a full breakfast menu and also do a hot drink and cake deal - your choice and you can pay separately.
Separate to food and drink I'd like to ask for a contribution of £5
per person towards the organising / room booking of this, and future
events. The response to CWiC continues to be very positive and I am
looking into setting up an online forum and directory to build on the
momentum of the group so far.
btw - this event is still open to all local women working in and around the construction industry
so please pass the invitation round to others you think might be
Really looking forward to seeing you there!
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