Did you know squirrels ate pears?
I have just noticed a very neatly nibbled core on the grass - I hesitate to use the word lawn - outside my studio window. Since I'm pretty sure this can't have been either of the kids or the cat I can only assume it must have been the bouncing grey squirrel I spotted first thing this morning.
And with that we squelch into September.
It's been a 'good' summer from a family point of view. I mentally blocked out 2 fortnights off work and tried to keep projects ticking over but next year I want to keep more definite work-time going.
This isn't so much to do with the work itself but to do with holding on to 'me'.
By the time we made it to North Devon for our week away I was drained. I started planning ways to re-focus on myself, get intellectual stimulation, outside interests, new challenges and goals. Then I remembered I get all that from working. I remembered how much more tolerant I am of the kids when I've had a bit of time not thinking about them. The slightly sick feeling in my stomach had a lot to do with knowing I'd been spending lots of money and not feeling in touch with making any. My husband told me he actually liked it better when I didn't think of everything 4 days in advance and left a bit of room for him to get involved. Point taken.
So bring on September. Resolutions for this autumnal restart include DOING THIS BLOG, getting on top of my accounts and having husband cook tea more often.
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