Thursday 25 July 2013

July Newsletter

summer greetings
I really hope you are enjoying the summer so far.   
Who would have thought we’d welcome a bit of cloud and rain but I’m certainly glad my little home office is not as hot and airless today as it has been recently. 
In between ice-creams, work and life-stuff I have been chewing over the best way to
keep Cambridge Women in Construction active and effective.   
The truth is it needs more input than my ramblings and last minute meet-up arrangements. So…

this is what is happening:

1: the cwic blog is now also a website

See the tabs above!  We have articles, contact information, a sign up form and a page for your news.  Email with any company news, awards, achievements or developments and they'll get world wide web exposure! Remember, boasting is good.


2: using

If you’ve been keeping an eye on the blog or twitter you will have read about my forays into social media and views on the pros and cons.  I know it is not a world that everyone feels comfortable with but I very strongly recommend everyone gives it a go and Linkedin in is the most professionally acceptable online forum.  With your involvement we can have instant discussions on issues as they arise, share our contact details for projects, work advice and hear about events in time to get them into our diaries!

3: regular meet-ups – see calendar below

We will now have a regular meet-up every two months.  This will be on the first Tuesday from 5pm at the Cambridge Brew House, 1 King Street, Cambridge, CB1 1LH.  I shall be there with a bright yellow hard-hat (on the table, I’m not waiting there on my own with it on my head).  Check out their website, they do food and snacks, coffees and also have a seminar room so hopefully any talks or bigger events we do can be in the same place.



Evening Meet-Ups 2013:
From 5pm -        Tuesday, 10th September
                           Tuesday, 5th November

Evening Meet-Ups 2014:
From 5pm -        Tuesday, 7th January

Combined or in addition to these we are planning:
Women’s Finance – a talk on business finance from a woman’s point of view by Kate Marsden (
Using Social Media – Nadia Cenci who ran the ‘How to Network’ seminar last year


…and finally

Cambridge Women in Construction exists because plenty of women work in construction but the nature of the industry means we are spread thinly through the different disciplines.  While we would be happy to have the gender balance addressed our aim is to support and celebrate those already doing the work.  There are common issues that arise from being a minority but trying to change the numbers is not the only way to address them.  Young women starting out should not feel they are breaking new ground.
We are here to share, learn and help each other, we want to make business contacts and hopefully new friends.